Sunday, December 13, 2015


Below is an excerpt from my first book 'Choices--The Power Is Within You.' This is from the chapter entitled: Know Your 'G.I.F.T.S.'

Part of knowing what route to take in life consists of knowing exactly what it is you would like to do in life or how you would like to make a positive impact on mankind. What talents or 'gifts' do you have?  I have an acronym for the word GIFTS. Gifts are Intended For Talents to Succeed. Gifts are talents that we've always possessed but may not have taken the time to pursue. It is the thing or things we would do all day until our hearts are content. It is the areas where we exhibit a natural talent at accomplishing, sometimes with very little effort. Some refer to them as 'hidden talents,' not because we are inhibited in exhibiting them, but because we limit ourselves in utilizing them.

Perhaps we've been erroneously told we can't make a living at the thing we truly love to do. Perhaps we've told ourselves we aren't really exceptional when it comes to our skills. Perhaps we've simply never dreamed or aspired to reach higher levels of achievement in the areas of our gifts. Whatever the reason, begin to analyze what talents and gifts you currently possess. What were the reasons you chose not to pursue this avenue? Don't let the fear of not being able to make a sufficient or heaven forbid, even a profitable living from your talent deter you from pursuing or enhancing it.

Check out career opportunities at local universities and community colleges near you. Speak with career counselors to assist you in discovering what areas you can best utilize your gifts and talents. Just because you may not be aware of a career path doesn't mean it doesn't exist! Expand your thinking and conduct a Google search in your areas of interest to see what ideas you can generate to move you along in your desired goals. Become creative when thinking of new and innovative ways in which you can exhibit, display and market your talent or ideas. Develop positive ways that you can contribute to companies, individuals, organizations and/or communities that may benefit from your skills. Our gifts, our talents, are wonderful opportunities for us to share ourselves with mankind in positive ways.

Remember that gifts or what you have a talent for, need not be exhibited on a global scale in order for us to show our appreciation. There are cases when people utilize and exhibit their gifts or talents in the form of hobbies. Perhaps they are happy with the type of career they've chosen and use their gift to be creative for family members, friends or neighbors. The person that loves to tend a vegetable or flower garden and share the harvest with others comes to mind in this case. The piano teacher that donates time giving discounted or free lessons to area children or the singer that performs at local weddings and events are examples of people giving of themselves through their gifts. Decide today to recognize your unique gifts and talents!

*The Value of A Gift Is Not Found In It's Price! 
                                              Swahili Proverb

Known as the 'From Goal-Setting to Goal GETTING' coach, Sherry Brantley is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Professional Coach specializing in assisting people in reaching their goals. Whether writing books related to personal growth such as 'STEPP-How To Create Positive Change In Your Life,' or her fictional trilogy of work 'Best of Friends,' which garnered National Recognition for 'Best Fiction Of The Year,' Sherry is sure to incorporate thought-provoking ideals and concepts which readers are able to connect to in order to increase their understanding of their own Spiritual growth, determine what they'd like to achieve in life and develop a road-map to get there!

S.T.E.P.P:  Start To Exercise Personal Power

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