Sunday, September 6, 2015


There were times when revelations and clarifications of Universal Principles were made known to me at what I thought were the most inopportune times. I soon learned that it doesn't matter where we are, what types of activity we are engaged in, or the company we're with when being engaged in any activity, the Spirit can and will direct us towards a way that we can make a conscious decision/choice to remove ourselves as delicately as possible should we choose to act at that time.

The Spirit always speaks to us. But if you are not aware of this or not listening, you will not know. For example, if the ringer on your phone is broken, but the actual phone is working, you will simply be unaware that someone is calling you. This does not mean no one is calling--simply that you cannot hear it, and you are still able to use the phone to call out! Likewise, because we, for whatever reason,  are not hearing the Spirit does not mean the Spirit does not call out to us. We still call out to it, but if we are not receptive to it, we may not hear it when it speaks. All of us are always called to fulfill our purpose, our passion in life. Do you want to continue being a 'phone whose ringer doesn't work' when your still, inner voice calls out to you? Or do you choose to have all of your 'working parts' receptive to the words of your Spirit and the purpose you came here to fulfill?

Yes, there have been times when I didn't want to face the truths that were being told to me spiritually and I struggled like hell to do what I wanted to do and made excuses why I didn't listen. During those times it was revealed to me there is a definite difference between an excuse and a reason. (See the following post 'Reasons Vs. Excuses' which details the difference between the two)

With my understanding of the difference between the two, I no longer use excuses in my daily interaction with others, and I simply give valid reasons for my actions. If I feel the occasion calls for it, I may clarify my position or stance on an issue and allow my reasoning to stand on its own merit. You'd be amazed at the positive impact living a life of authenticity can bring to you and all those you come into contact with. Not interested in attending an event that you've been invited to? Unable to travel to a wedding out of town due to your time constraints or financial commitments?  Not looking forward to going to yet another event that simply does not resonate with you? A simple, yet firm, powerful and respectful 'No,' will empower you to live your life on your terms while respecting the person that is so graciously extending the invite to you.

Free yourself to begin to experience you in all of your passion, your glory and the totality of what you envision for yourself! Let your 'Yes' resonate with you fully, but also stand firm on the 'No's' you give in life. Allow your inner, still small voice to guide you to experience that which you have come to partake in, and in doing so, you'll free those around you to make the choices that are necessary in their lives to do the same. Whether they make the same or similar choice is not your concern. After all, the only person that can truly change your life--is YOU!

Personal Power can be utilized on a daily basis to manifest what you'd like to create in YOUR life!

**The following post 'Reasons' Vs. 'Excuses,'  details the differences between the two words.  

Sherry Brantley is an Author, Speaker and Trainer. She is  the Owner of S.T.E.P.P. Mission Statement: To assist people to make positive choices in their lives on a daily basis to effect positive change by tapping into and utilizing their Personal Power while accepting and respecting the Personal Power of others.
S.T.E.P.P: Start To Exercise Personal Power

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