Monday, September 7, 2015


There is a big difference between having a reason and making an excuse. I know. At one time, I was a BIG one for making excuses. They included: 'I am a female. I am African-American. I am from the inner-city of Detroit. I am divorced. I am now a single parent of three young girls. I am homeless. I feel alone. I didn't complete my degree at Wayne State University.'

Of course, I didn't see these as excuses at first. They seemed like reasons to me. Spiritually, I knew I was a powerful person. I knew that there was much more to my life and the lives of others as I began my inner search. By now, you may have grasped the concept that a spiritual search indicates in itself that it must start from within. You cannot locate your spirituality in someone else, nor can you locate it 'outside' of yourself. It is an inner search. A search that has taught me so much during my lifetime that even now, as I write about it, I realize that had I not actually gone through my own inner search, I would not have felt it would have been possible for me to do some of the things I have been able to accomplish.

What is the difference between reasons and excuses? An excuse is what we use when we fall short of something, do not meet a goal, didn't meet up to our responsibilities or someone else's expectations of us. It doesn't explain the true why--it simply says something didn't work out as expected or planned. A reason, however is valid. It explains the true why of a situation, is specific and detailed and it holds dignity in the validity of it! For example, if you were expected somewhere but didn't show up--an excuse could be any of the following: 'I just washed my hair, (It could have been washed earlier or later, depending upon the time) I had nothing to wear, (usually you're aware of a special event before it occurs, hence you could prepare something to wear, buy something, have a garment cleaned and returned, etc) or an excuse could be a flippant, 'something else came up.' (something else always comes up when we really don't want to do a particular thing in the first place!)

However, if you take the same circumstance of not showing up somewhere within a specific time frame and apply a reason to it, it would validate your not being able to make it to a specific event. A reason could be: I was hospitalized or in the emergency room with my kids/parents/friend/spouse, etc.  You certainly couldn't have made it in that situation! You do have other obligations at times in life and being there for family and friends when they truly need you may be one of them. Or you may simply have changed your mind about attending an event--and that is a reason in and of itself.

In short, excuses have 'holes' in them. We can always shoot them down and we usually do. This is why you will hear people say: "What's your excuse this time?" Or, "I don't want to hear any excuses." They're worthless to even listen to. But when someone is coming to you in the right way, in a truthful way, in a valid way, you're more prone to ask: "What was the reason you couldn't make it?" Not what was your excuse.  You will also notice the 'reason' question gets asked of the most responsible people. The people not coming with a bagful of excuses trying to figure out which one to use. 

The point here is this: When it comes to dealing with the Spirit, we don't have any reasons why we don't heed it's word--we only have excuses. We have reasons in the physical world, because we are physical beings. Needless to say, this imposes specific limitations on us due to our physical capabilities. We couldn't sprout wings to fly no matter how positive thinking we become. But the Spirit world works with us through our spiritual capabilities. So when our Spirit instructs us on what to do, or how to do something, It is already aware that we are physically capable of doing a thing or It would not request it of us.  Do not be afraid of where your Spirit takes you, or the longings you have to pursue your dreams, fulfill your desires and create the life you want. The resources that are needed for you to succeed in your endeavors are already here, in this time and space for you. All that is required is that you truly begin to believe in that which you truly want to receive!

Personal Power can be utilized on a daily basis to manifest what you'd like to create in YOUR life!

Sherry Brantley is an Author, Speaker and Trainer. She is  the Owner of S.T.E.P.P. Its Mission Statement: To assist people to make positive choices in their lives on a daily basis to effect positive change by tapping into and utilizing their Personal Power while accepting and respecting the Personal Power of others.
S.T.E.P.P:  Start To Exercise Personal Power

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