Saturday, September 5, 2015


Welcome to my S.T.E.P.P. Blog!   S.T.E.P.P. is an acronym for  my speaking business which stands for: Start To Exercise Personal Power!

The information I am sharing in the first postings of my blog will include excerpts from my first book, 'Choices--The Power Is Within You'. This is the first of a 3-part blog focusing on your Personal Power and how utilizing it can have a lasting, permanent, positive impact in your life--and the lives of those around you.

What is Personal Power and how do we go about 'tapping into it?'  Personal Power is an innate Power derived directly from your Spirit, that gently guides and steers you towards your purpose, your passion and the gifts you have that you would like to offer to others. It is a power that is personal to each and every one of us. Although it is derived from the same source and we all share it in equal amounts, we do not all use it in equal amounts! It is manifested in each of us in a unique way. Not just through the individual talents and gifts we were all given, but in our very thoughts, perceptions and understandings of the world around us. Unique in our passions and our creativity. Our belief systems. Our longings. Our desires. Unique in the many different ways in which we utilize our talents and gifts.

Some of us express this Power through our musical and/or other artistic talents. For example, many of us have enjoyed the pianist who was able to play in such a way that made our Spirits soar, heard the singer that moved us to tears of joy or sorrow, or witnessed the dancer that seems to move as one with the Universe--in smooth, fluid movements.

The passion and commitment that some people exhibit in their careers, on the job, with their families and throughout their lives on a daily basis is a testament of how some of us are choosing to utilize this very powerful, very spiritual force. The leaders that have taken a stand for righteousness by peaceful methods against all odds and yet, maintain a thirst that refuses to be quenched until they've reached their goal. The teacher that believed in someone--when no one else would, by refusing to accept what others said or thought--until that person ultimately began to believe in themselves as well. Parents that continue to struggle on a daily basis to ensure a better life for their children. These are all examples of people who have recognized, visualized and began utilizing their own Personal Power.

Personal Power can be utilized on a daily basis to manifest what you'd like to create in YOUR life!

 **This is the 1st of a 3-part series in relation to utilizing your Personal Power!

Sherry Brantley is an Author, Speaker and Trainer. She is  the Owner of S.T.E.P.P. Mission Statement: To assist people to make positive choices in their lives on a daily basis to effect positive change by tapping into and utilizing their Personal Power while accepting and respecting the Personal Power of others.
S.T.E.P.P: Start To Exercise Personal Power

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