Tuesday, September 8, 2015


**This is an excerpt from my first book, 'Choices--The Power is Within You.' This chapter is entitled 'Utilizing Personal Power in Relationships.' 

Women have used everything from their background and environment, to man-made laws to continue to be abused sexually, physically, financially and emotionally. In connection to that what we teach our children by our actions--they learn! All of us have witnessed the devastating effects this type of teaching has done to generation upon generation. Mom's mate mistreats her or abuses her physically on a regular basis, so male children think this is normal behavior to exhibit once they are grown and out on their own. Girls also think it's normal to continue in that type of tradition once they leave home, allowing themselves to also be subjected to the vicious cycle of abuse in various forms.

This is why it is so important that women especially, begin to learn and use any and all information which teaches that all humans, including themselves, are divine beings. Being made aware of this knowledge you will cease to allow any mistreatment towards you or your children--by anyone. Knowing that the Universe will certainly support you in your now positive belief system, you won't tolerate abuse in any area of your life. Not on the job, not at the grocers, not from a neighbor, spouse or children. Once you have grasped the understanding that no one has the right to abuse--in any form, you will begin to simply not allow that type of behavior to permeate any area of your life. No person, male or female that ever experienced problems in this area who has grasped this principle, ever goes back to being the same again.  As you begin to tap into and utilize your Personal Power, you'll find a myriad of positive ways to not only remove yourself from these types of negative lifestyles and situations, but you'll also learn to not allow them to become a part of your life in any way, therefore there will not be a need to side-step them or try to remove yourself from them.

Consequently, as I described in an earlier section of my book 'Choices--The Power is Within You,' when I realized the 'lessons' my ex-husband and I were teaching our children--for mom's, if we allow aberrant behavior in our households whether we condone it or not--we are certainly teaching it! Then I realized I no longer wanted that for my girls. Many times people exclaimed: "You should have stayed in the marriage for the sake of the girls!"  I always reply, "My dear spiritual sibling, it was because of the girls that I left!" There was no way I could teach them to choose a spouse that took his family and fatherly responsibilities seriously as long as they saw me with someone that didn't. I didn't leave in a huff. There weren't any ugly battles. Just a revelation that I believed in something much grander, more powerful than I could describe to anyone and my spouse could not at that tine in his life see, believe or even entertain the thought that possibly, it could be so.

Today when my girls see negative behavior exhibited towards one of their friends or even one of my adult female friends, they'll ask me why the abused party deals with that type of negative behavior. They express concern for the individual but they will not remain in their environment. Ultimately this is the lesson I wanted to teach.  This is not to say they will remember or even embrace all of the lessons and principles which I've attempted to instill in them, but should they decide to develop a belief system which supports a negative behavior pattern, it certainly would not be because they were raised in that type of environment. As parents, we have to do the best we can with the knowledge we have available to us at any given time, and trust that our children, although certainly making mistakes of their own, will ultimately begin to choose decisions based on positive principles and lifestyles. As the theme of my 'Choices--The Power is Within You' book states throughout, we all make choices. They will either be positive or negative, and they will be based on the belief systems which we have created for ourselves.

Personal Power can be utilized on a daily basis to manifest what you'd like to create in YOUR life!

**My 'Choices...' book delves more specifically into the details of the break-down of my marriage. In a nutshell: Shortly after marrying I discovered my spouse was an alcoholic. I'd like to say he'd 'hidden it well,' but like most people, I saw only what I wanted to see prior to that. What can I say? I can't write a book about the Choices we all make--and then not take responsibility for my own.  After having three children and 7- straight years of his being unemployed, totaling my car, and not taking responsibility for his family in any way, I weighed me and my children's worth and the future I'd envisioned for our lives and I determined that worth to be at a much greater scale than what we were experiencing.  I then made the conscious decision to create a more positive lifestyle. It is a decision that I have never once regretted. Even when my girls and I were homeless, hungry and car-less.  I experienced a lot of 'less' during that short period of time in my life, but I was never hopeless or faithless!  

Sherry Brantley is an Author, Speaker and Trainer. She is  the Owner of S.T.E.P.P. Its Mission Statement: To assist people to make positive choices in their lives on a daily basis to effect positive change by tapping into and utilizing their Personal Power while accepting and respecting the Personal Power of others.  

S.T.E.P.P:  Start To Exercise Personal Power

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