Saturday, September 5, 2015



As per my previous post,  this is the second of a 3-part series focusing on your Personal Power and how utilizing it can have a lasting, permanent, positive impact in your life--and the lives of those around you.  *This section is an excerpt from my first book, 'Choices--The Power is Within You.' 

Personal Power is the literal, spiritual power we all possess. Once you begin to focus on that power, divine Universal laws align with your awareness equal to the proportion of your beliefs in it, and this very force begins to expand in your life--in all areas of your life. Since Personal Power is a positive force, it can only give or 'exercise' itself towards positive objectives and outcomes. Translation: It is not possible to use Personal Power in a negative wayIt cannot be used to bully, torture, hurt, disrespect, torment, humiliate, or usurp authority in any form which is negative or has any sort of negative connotation.

When people are using those and the myriad other negative ways to reach any outcome--it is not Personal Power they are tapping into. They are coming from a thought system based on fear. In our physical world, fear takes on many forms such as: Alcoholism, drugs, substance abuse, over-eating, bulimia, anorexia, using our charge cards indiscriminately, gambling excessively, smoking, greed, lack of self-love, anger, jealousy, etc.  Fear takes on forms in the actions that we display towards ourselves as well as with others. Bullying, taunting, physical/mental/sexual abuse, disrespect, hate groups, and the list goes on.  In some cases, fear is also manifested in the forms of depression, neglecting our bodies, self-mutilation and various forms of self-defeating behavior patterns. 

There is not a form of fear or lack of self-love that cannot be dealt with through tapping into and using your own well of Personal Power from within. That is it's purpose for being. To guide us, train us, lead us to the very answers to the questions that we seek. Do not fool yourself. For every question--there is a definite, positive answer. For every negative outlook or viewpoint, there is a counterpoint--or a positive way and solution. However if we're only focusing on the negative, we tend to defend ourselves and our points of view in that manner, resulting in our receiving a response in like form. There is an old saying which states: 'If you see yourself as a hammer, you'll see every problem as a nail.' In other words, you'll have the tendency to not only think there is only one way out of problems--but you'll also feel attacking the problem and banging the heck out of it will be the solution. This of course leads you to attack or be forever on the defense, and therefore, those you come into contact with will also take the same stance. This will continue to keep you in the attack or be attacked mode unless you begin to change your perception of your world and how you view it.  

Personal Power is a positive, spiritual force that embraces the teachings of the spiritual masters throughout all time. It is not derived from, nor is it exclusive to any one religion, tenet or dogma. Like the actual laws of the Universe--it is inclusive. It is based on genuine, self-love, forgiveness and developing and creating the positive world you'd like to experience.  It is one of the tenets of the Universal Law of Attraction: "What you focus on in life, you expand in your life." Or as bestselling authors Ester and Jerry Hicks have summed it: "You get what you focus on--whether you want it or not!" It's time to focus only on that which you truly want to experience--and it is much simpler to do that than most people have been lead or taught to believe. Imagine seeing a world where we are all aware of the oneness of the Universe! Not just ourselves as a human species, but remembering to keep our Mother Earth in a position where she can abundantly take care of all of her inhabitants. Where we are no longer polluting our basic life sources: Water, air, food and land. A place where we consciously as well as subconsciously affirm and believe in principles that allow the entire universe to flourish abundantly. Imagine, choosing harmony as a whole with all of humanity!

Personal Power can be utilized on a daily basis to manifest what you'd like to create in YOUR life!

Sherry Brantley is an Author, Speaker and Trainer. She is  the Owner of S.T.E.P.P. Mission Statement: To assist people to make positive choices in their lives on a daily basis to effect positive change by tapping into and utilizing their Personal Power while accepting and respecting the Personal Power of others.
S.T.E.P.P: Start To Exercise Personal Power

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